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Copyright © 2000-2024 Svein Engelsgjerd

This are preview versions of my tunes.
Some songs may be encoded in bad quiality on purpose and does not represent the final soundquality of the music

CounterfeitUltra   Won 1st place in the OpenMPT (modplug) 2007 trackercompo. Made using a fixed samplepack.
FunkyWalk   Work in progress... The first 10-20 seconds or so I threw together in about 5-10 minuttes. Sounded nice to I decided to try and do something with it ;) So far so good....
LinkedSouls   Inspired by a song by 'Carbon based lifeform' called 'Equilibrium' and an interesting chat. Simple really.... :)
SleekFunk   Work in progress... It's funky, slick and ...whatever :P
Vacum3   N/A
blown2pieces   A distorted, relaxing rythmic tune. One of my best tunes ;)
dementia   Work in progress...
flier   Work in progress... A funky test ;)
floating   Work in progress... A quite relaxing tune
flustered   Work in progress... A harsh test and that's about it ;) (Used a real Roland TB-303 and a Boss distoriton pedal)
fruity   Work in progress... I don't know what the hell this is - At least it's groovy!
hoarse2   Work in progress... Sounds a bit hoarse but still pretty cool
rawcool   Work in progress... It's raw and it's cool...
strange   Started out as a simple jingle for Stone Oakvalley's 'Violence amongst neighbours', evolved into a nice tune eventually!